We’re One Month Old!
By Wee Seeds Founder, Christina Cran
Autumn is a time for cutting back, composting, planting seeds in preparation for a Spring when new fledglings that have taken root over the colder winter months rise strong and ready to grow.
And so it seems is the case with Wee Seeds.
It has been a month since we launched Wee Seeds and firmly planted our roots! And through the joy of delivering our first digital toolbox for parents and carers to plant the seeds of calm, focus and sleep with their children, there have been real blows, with negative funding decisions and periods of reflection on our future.
But for every low there has been a genuine high! No to funding and support from the programme = around 220 users since launch day. Didn’t make the final of a funding competition we entered = 20 nurseries across the UK start user testing trials. Hours spent mulling over what the future holds now we’ve launched = countless positive messages of support, and a growing bank of testimonials from users who are seeing genuine benefits to their families.
It has been a rollercoaster of a month — and we’re so glad to have a growing Wee Seeds Family beside on our journey. Hearing positive stories, reading feedback on the Digital Toolbox and knowing we are slowly making a difference to early years kids, their families and grown-ups who work with them, make the downtimes, and hard work worth it.
You may not know it but currently Wee Seeds is volunteer run, with no income — but with your support we can grow our little seed together through the Winter months. It’s likely that we’ll soon look to charge a small amount of money to access our exercises — but we’ll use this to add more exercises and kickstart our BOGOA programme to give away subscriptions to families who need them.
Meantime however, we’re pledging today to keep our exercises free of charge throughout November (maybe until the end of December) — but to do this we need your help. It’s easy — but these five activities will give us the best chance of blossoming in Spring.
- Share Wee Seeds with your family, friends, work colleagues, and other grown-ups working with early years kids. The more subscriptions we have, the more we may be able to access external funding and create more exercises for you to use.
- Be Social online. Social media works by a whole bunch of algorithms, but the more likes, shares, follows we have, the better chance we have of being seen. If you are on social media, please take a moment to comment, or share our story. Watch us grow on our Instagram (@weeseedsmeditations), our Facebook (Wee Seeds) and our Twitter (@WeeSeeds)! As well here on Medium, where we will post a new blog post every Friday!
- Donate if you can. If you’ve used the ten free exercises and want to see more, please consider gifting us a small donation. Currently, we are working on a zero budget, with volunteer help only. Your donation will help us squirrel away cash to create more exercises, and spend a small amount on advertising. You can donate here.
- Feedback. We are looking for testimonials for our website, and your feedback for our next version of Wee Seeds. If you have used the exercises, please fill in our short form and tell us what you think. You can fill out our form and you can also email feedback to us.
- Link in with us. We’re looking to create partnerships, particularly with groups who might benefit from our Buy One Give One Away — so get in touch at weeseedsmeditations@gmail.com
If you like what we’re doing then your support could make the difference between us continuing and not, between us being able to deliver more exercises, help families like yours, and up-skill early years professionals. So please consider supporting us.
We’ve planted Wee Seeds. Now, with your help, we can build strong roots over the coming months. Thank you! 🙏