The future’s bright…
By Christina Cran, Wee Seeds Founder & Mother
I once read that the big moments in your life don’t happen with fanfare, instead they come quietly, without fuss.
Today an email will pop into the Wee Seeds inbox, quietly slipping between the correspondence about funding applications, and nurseries and parents keen to try our digital exercises when they launch.
It’ll nestle in there, making a home for itself. Bold, unread. Full of so much potential.
For within it there will be a link to the future of Wee Seeds.
Today we receive the draft but first-ever operational version of the digital tools (and web-app) that I’ve so long dreamed of creating for little people, their parents and professionals working with them.
It’s been just over two years since I first had my idea form of making ‘something to help plant the seeds of mindfulness, meditation and movement in preschoolers’. I wanted to create something amazing to help parents and professionals nurture positive mental health, emotional literacy and inner strength. I didn’t know how, but thanks to the help of some wonderful people, I’ve honed that idea into what Wee Seeds has become.
And today, after several years of hard work, I get to see that in action!
It’s been a tough journey, being a solopreneur is grittier than I ever imagined. Of course, I’ve had moments of self-doubt, fear, and “I’m-just-giving-it-ALL-up”. I’ve sought funding, knocked doors, laid myself bare crowdfunding, had rejections, and highs. It’s tough keeping going when the funding and buy-in is thin!
Personally, I’ve juggled being a Mum of a toddler and then his school-start, while also working with clients in my self-employed consultancy. So often Wee Seeds’ work was fitted into nightshifts. I’ve also had to manage my relatively new Type One diabetes diagnosis, which, of course, is where the story of Wee Seeds ultimately began.
I never imagined it would take so much mental, emotional and physical strength to get your good idea off the ground!
But today I get to see the fruits of that effort — and I am so excited.
More that this though. I’m excited — albeit a little nervous — that soon we’ll be able to share the new Wee Seeds Toolbox with you.
This idea was never about me. It was about you and your little one, or the early years children you work with, or look after. It was about helping our future generation, in a world new to all of us. It was about giving parents and professionals easy access, fun tools to cultivate focus, calmness, kindness, gratitude, good sleep patterns. About using tech to teaching kids what self-care and pausing feels like, and how their breath really is a superpower! It’s about us, as a community, helping our wee seeds to grow strong roots.
I can’t wait for that.
- checksinbox*
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Interested in seeing more? Follow us on our social media channels! Watch us grow on our Instagram (@weeseedsmeditation), our Facebook (Wee Seeds) and our Twitter (@WeeSeeds)!
If you want to be part of our journey, sign up here for updates on our launch
Interested in seeing more? Follow us on our social media channels! Watch us grow on our Instagram (@weeseedsmeditation), our Facebook (Wee Seeds) and our Twitter (@WeeSeeds)!