Seeking stillness with Wee Seeds

Wee Seeds Meditations
3 min readNov 7, 2019


By Christina Cran, Wee Seeds founder

Channelling stillness in early years children? That’s not possible!

In talking to people that’s often what we hear — for example, this is what one parent thought until she tried it.

“I didn’t really believe that she would be able to concentrate long enough as she’s so busy and active, but it showed me I should trust her more to engage with exercises that are, of course, designed specifically for her age group.”

So as part of Stress Awareness Week— and because we’ve been celebrating stillness just now, we’re setting you three mini-mindfulness challenges.

They’re designed to bring stillness to your family and home — as well as reduce stress by being present.

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Even the NHS reports on the benefits of being present for relieving stress: They recommend can practise mindfulness anywhere, but it can be especially helpful to take a mindful approach if you realise that, for several minutes, you have been “trapped” in reliving past problems or “pre-living” future worries.’

Try these three easy parenting wins for you and your wee seeds over the next week — and let us know how you get on. Remember two things though. Firstly, be kind to yourself, you might only manage one, or you might adapt them, remember to practice mindfulness and lose the self-judgement. Secondly, use these practices to lay the foundations of stillness, rest and selfcare in your children and teach them that it’s OK to take a break from the whirlwind of life.

Challenge 1

Bring stillness to mealtimes this weekend — as much as possible! Try to eat every meal together, if possible, at a table, and not on the move. Remove tech from the equation, no TV, no phones. (If you use this to help with eating routines, perhaps spend time working out why? What else could we do? Is it still needed?). Spend time talking about your food, where it came from, how it tastes, who made it in the house? Talk about your day, your week. Be present together, be still, be as one.

Challenge 2

Be still before bed — for the next week, try one of our breathing exercises from our digital toolbox, either a shorter breathing exercise for littler seeds, or our sleepy audio, Cosy Toes, designed by mindfulness expert Lorna Walker. Try to bring stillness and quiet to this part of the day, and believe you can do this to help reduce any anxiety about trying something new. Remember though, it takes time for a new routine, so it may take a few attempts!

Challenge 3

Be parent present — it’s super easy as a parent or carer to get distracted by chores, lists, phones (no judgement, remember). So designating a period of time, five minutes, 20 minutes, and hour, where you are present, still, and there without any distractions (phones on silent!) will help. It’ll increase your own wellbeing and self-confidence, reduce stress levels, and nurture strong family connections. Plus, it’ll teach your little ones that taking a break is a good thing! What to do in this time? Try some reading, play, do some yoga, or ask them what they want to do for the time — you’ll be amazed at the results.

What’s not to like!

Let us know how you get on, and your thoughts on these mini-mindfulness challenges. Find us on our Instagram (@weeseedsmeditations), our Facebook (Wee Seeds) and our Twitter (@WeeSeeds), or email us at!



Wee Seeds Meditations
Wee Seeds Meditations

Written by Wee Seeds Meditations

Wee Seeds is a start up enterprise to bring parents innovative, inspiring and practical tools, centered on mindfulness, meditation and movement.

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