Our Tips for Parents Seeking Corona-calmness
Parents. As the schools close today we are all juggling what this means for us and for our families. It’s a radical change for us all, and our littlest ones will be greatly influenced by our reactions, emotions and response. Although it is an overwhelming and frightening time, we must remember the influence we cast over our littlest ones’ emotional responses. We’d like to share our top tips for responding calmly and mindfully to this unprecedented situation.
- Pause. Take the time to stop and breathe. This is a long-game now, so take the time to let the news settle. To help do this, breathe. Breathing helps us to calm down, and come back from our fight or flight. That will help us to make better decisions.
- You’ve got this. Whatever happens, believe that you will get through this. It might be hard, it will be tough, but we will all support each other through the time ahead.
- Start to find your community. Whether it’s your local WhatsApp for the school, or FB groups popping up with hints and tips about home-learning, or your friend who is a teacher, reach out for some support at this time. Being part of a wider community brings strength.
- Watch your words. Our children hear what we say, so don’t complain about the schools closing in front of them. Don’t let them think it’s their fault, or worry they’re an inconvenience. They matter in all this too.
- Include them in the decisions about what happens now. As a family sit down to work out what you’ll do next, how you’ll cope, what’s going to happen. Together you can make a plan and be mindful about everyone’s needs.
And remember, our digital toolbox is always here to help you and your wee ones seek some calmness. If you’re interested in building it into your families’ new routine, try our 28-day exercise calendar, available to download here.
The Wee Seeds Team x
Follow us across socials where we’ll be sharing more tips during these times. We’re working on a compendium of resources and will have more updates soon. Find us on our Instagram (@weeseedsmeditations), our Facebook (Wee Seeds) and our Twitter (@WeeSeeds), or email us at weeseedsmeditations@gmail.com