Helping parents practice self-kindness during COVID-19 through mindfulness
By Veronica Ellis, Mindfulness Connected Learning
Ahead of #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek we’re looking at how being present can help during the current pandemic, then each day this week on social media we’ll be featuring a #toptip on how to bring that into your lives. Find Veronica’s tips on our social media (links below) or check back here each day.
Mindfulness is the capacity to be fully with ourselves from one moment to the next and to be available for life as it unfolds in this particular moment. It’s not about trying to get somewhere; rather it is about recognising what’s already here and giving ourselves the space to be where we are and as we are. Mindfulness is a way of showing up in a real way for our partners, children, families and friends.
Never has there been such a need for parents to be able to cultivate this kind of presence for their families than during the current crisis.
COVID-19 is taking parenting to a whole new level! Parents have become a one stop shop, for their children. Overnight they’ve become teachers, friends, counsellors, entertainment managers, conflict resolution mediators…to name just a few roles! And all this whilst managing their own workload from home or managing the dynamics and needs of a family who is suddenly spending every day in the same space. We might be fortunate enough to live somewhere where there is space, where there is a garden. Or we might live in confined space with no garden, in a city where outdoor green spaces are limited. Our living situations can add to or ease our tension at this time. How do we integrate such huge change to our home lives? Just as there is no manual when we give birth to our children to guide us on how to parent, there is no guidebook to help us to navigate our way through these days of pandemic. What we do have however is our own ability to be present and authentic.
As a parent our role is to provide safety and security. We are the environment in which our children grow but never has this environment been so shaken as it has been by the COVID-19 pandemic. What we can do right now is to take care of this environment by taking care of ourselves. There are many wonderful resources offering tips and advice on how to structure your child’s day, how to make learning fun, invite creativity, exercise, have down time etc. And yet the biggest resource that might be becoming depleted is you. Often this is the resource that is taken for granted and neglected. As parents we feel we have to keep going, keep up a brave face, be positive, come up with amazing fun and creative ideas on a daily basis. This is just not sustainable. Little by little anxiety will build and we will become exhausted. There is enough to be worried about without adding to it with unrealistic expectations of ourselves and our children. It is important that we begin each day by cutting ourselves a lot of slack. Many parents are feeling the pressure and berating themselves for losing patience, losing structure and losing hope.
Our children feed off our anxiety and reactivity and we feed off theirs, such is the feedback loop that exists between parent and child. But they also feed off our calmness, our humour, our authenticity and our understanding. Whilst we have no control over what is happening on a global scale, we do have some power in how we make our children feel. It is not with words but with our own modelling of authenticity. It is not about being perfect and positive and upbeat. If we fall apart a little, we can acknowledge it and then find healthy ways to take care of our anger, sadness or anxiety. If our children see us doing this they will learn to do this themselves. They will learn that it’s ok to feel whatever they are feeling. The easing of these difficult emotions comes in the space that we give to our children — we provide a relational container where they can spill into and where we can provide warmth and comfort.
“It’s not only children who grow. Parents do too. As much as we watch to see what our children do with their lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours. I can’t tell my children to reach for the sun. All I can do is reach for it myself.” — Joyce Maynard
We need to first offer this space to ourselves. We cannot will ourselves to be strong. False positivity creates more anxiety and leaves us worn out. There is another way, where we take a step back, let ourselves off the hook, let go of our expectations and see ourselves with eyes of compassion. If we allow ourselves to be sad and offer ourselves kindness and compassion, then we will rise stronger. If we deny these feelings, they will shout louder and we will end up feeling even more anxious, angry or sad. Self-compassion unleashes courage that we didn’t know we had. The more compassion we have for ourselves, the more we have for our families. The more courage we have, the more support we can give to our families.
As we learn to take care of difficult emotions, we become more spacious and we begin to show up in a different way for our children.
Spending time on yourself in a way that changes your perspective, nourishes you, helps you to handle your own difficult emotions is not selfish or self-indulgent but is a gift to your whole family. It is an act of self-kindness. If one person in the family begins a mindfulness practice the whole family benefit. Mindfulness is a way of cultivating calm, being with whatever life is presenting us with without falling apart. When parents practise mindfulness, they get a better sense of reality and are less likely to be swept away in a sea of reactivity and emotions. We begin to develop greater flexibility of response and find wiser and more compassionate ways of being in the world.
Follow us across socials where we’ll be sharing Veronica’s tips to help parents practice kindness each day this week as part of #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek. Find us on our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter For more information on Mindfulness Connected Learning, check out Veronica’s website and Facebook page