Are you struggling to find space?
By Christina, Wee Seeds Founder
Where do you find space in your life?
As a parent it’s really hard to create space.
As a Mum of an eight-year old I know how difficult it is to find time to yourself. At Wee Seeds, we’ve heard from parents recently that often what happens is that when our kids are having down-time we spend it catching up, washing up, cooking etc etc. Then we’re back on parenting. And if we’re not parenting, or doing housework, then we’re working. Then we collapse at night wondering why we’re so tired.
So what do you do to create space?
Last weekend I practiced what Veronica from Mindfulness Connected Learning taught me — fierce self-care. We’re all taught the thing about putting on our own oxygen mask first, right, and how that relates to self-care. But how many of us actually practice it?
I rested, I walked alone for half an hour in the morning light, I threw everyone out the house and took part in a Yin Yoga practice and theory workshop with Yoga with Paula, I went for lunch with a best pal, and I attended an amazing talk with The School of Life. I was dedicated and mindful in creating that space — because I really needed it!
We asked last week, what changes for your family if you practice mindfulness? Instead think, what changes for your family when you get time for yourself? For me, that weekend left me feeling like my life was broader than just parenting, housework, and work. Mindfulness helps me create space, be a more patient person and a better parent.
But often that rest comes with a big bag of guilt, doesn’t it?! So when one of our Wee Seeds Family let us into a secret last week, we thought YES! Her trick is this — that the most important thing to do in for your Own Time, self-care, rest, meditation, yoga, running, whatever you call it — is to do it GUILT FREE! Ditch the guilt, and rest in the space you give yourself. From there you’ll be surprised what arises.
“Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths.”― Etty Hillesum
Of course, I know it’s impossible sometimes to find space. Then I’d encourage you to practice bringing some quiet to your family as a whole. 75% of Wee Seeds parents said they noticed a difference in themselves when they practiced our exercises with their kids. So if you (truly) can’t find space, bring your space to them. Create a space where you ALL stop, breathe, and have some quiet time. If you fancy, try some breathing together. If not, then just rest together: read together, enjoy a cuddle, watch some telly with them, anything that helps you connect and find space. After all they learn from you — so lead by example. Teach them that finding space is really important part of self-care.
If you changed one thing this week, what could create some space in your life? Share your restful activities and give us all some ideas on what helps you find space.
You can tell us on Instagram (@weeseedsmeditations), our Facebook (Wee Seeds) and our Twitter (@WeeSeeds), or email us at 🙏
Rest well.
❤ Love, Christina & the Wee Seeds Team